The biggest problem with the KZ is the cooling system is not keeped up to spec and I dont just mean the core of the radiator. However there are a few japper heads that have been short on structural lonlglevity But -they always were inherently not that robust-even in the top stat dayze we used to pull em apart and triangle brace and 'O' ring em.
This is far from the first time ive seen and heard of storys like this! Endof the day ya lookin at the ole holden-or 3. Its pretty well known that the Toyota 1KZ-TE 3L turbo diesels are pretty average when it comes to reliabilty in the head department but does any one know why! It's not very clear in the picture, but there's a big 'blob' of coolant sitting on top of the exhaust valve as well as the little 'poofs' of it which are clearly visible.Ĭylinder 4 is shiny, whilst the rest of them are lined with carbon.Buy me a coffee. Coolant has clearly been getting in, and has 'crystalised' inside the cylinder. Post Fri Mar 08, pm It doesn't look like cylinder 4 has been having such a great time lately. Last edited by daneduplooy on Fri Mar 08, pm, edited 1 time in total. Here's how things look with the head off sorry, I do realise that it's a lot of pictures You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post. Or need advice on repairing or servicing your Hilux? This is the place to ask for help.